Ugees: Although the word "period flu" isn't a recognized medical term, it accurately describes how some women feel during their period. Flu-like symptoms including headaches, nausea, and even fever is just a few of the complaints that have individuals wondering if they're sick or going insane at this time of the month. The good news is that you're not crazy or alone – anecdotal evidence suggests that period flu exists. There's also the fact that it has nothing to do with the illness. The bad news is that it is still misunderstood and underappreciated in the medical community.
Period flu is not the same as influenza,
which is often referred to as the flu. Instead, it's a term used to describe
the symptoms that people have right before their menstruation. Period flu
symptoms are similar to those of the flu. Many of the symptoms of PMS Trusted
Source are also consistent with them.
The following are some of the signs and symptoms of period flu:
• nausea
• muscular
aches unable to concentrate
• joint
• constipation
• diarrhea
• headaches
• backache
bloating cramps sensitive abdomen
• Chills
or a fever
Period flu symptoms are cyclical, which is one of the most crucial qualities. They usually appear at the same time every month, right before a person's menstruation.
What causes this to happen?
Experts otherwise and at Ugees aren't certain what causes this occurrence, although hormone swings during your menstrual cycle are the most likely cause. Prostaglandins, which are hormone-like fatty acids, are created before your period to assist your uterus in shedding its lining. Excess prostaglandins enter your system, causing a slew of period symptoms like cramps, period feces, and farts — don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Changes in your sex hormones, particularly estrogen, can make you feel tired, as well as create more common period symptoms like cramps, breast tenderness, and mood swings.
Is it possible that I am pregnant?
Feeling nauseous and tired while waiting
for your period to arrive could raise red flags, prompting a trip to the
drugstore for a pregnancy test. Many of the early symptoms of pregnancy and PMS
are similar, such as nausea, bloating, exhaustion, and breast swelling and
soreness. There's no link between regular period flu symptoms and pregnancy
unless your cycle is late.
Is there anything that I can do to help?
Period flu symptoms might make it difficult
to function, but there are a few things you can take to alleviate the symptoms.
Certain lifestyle modifications and therapies as suggested by Ugees may
also be able to help you avoid or at least lessen future symptoms.
To obtain immediate relief- here are some suggestions for reducing your symptoms:
Take an OTC (over-the-counter)
pain reliever. Muscle aches, cramps, migraines, and breast soreness can all be
relieved by over-the-counter anti-inflammatories.
Make use of a heating pad. A
heating pad might help with muscle cramps and aches.
Try yoga asanas that relieves
period cramps like janu sirsasana, upavistha konasana, supta buddha konasana,
Keep yourself hydrated