Monday 14 February 2022

6 Ways to Prevent UTI


UTI or a urinary tract infection occur in the urinary system. It can include your bladder, ureters, urethra, and kidneys. The health condition can be painful and have a greater chance of occurring in women than men.

Though treatments are available to improve the condition, preventing it in the first place is wiser. Brands known for their female hygiene products like UGEES support certain ways. We have curated the top 6 ways to prevent UTI. The prevention of UTI should be simple, as well as effective, when you follow them.

1. Prefer Cotton Underwear 

Moisture in the private region may remain trapped when you wear underwear that prevents circulation. Since this undergarment can be worn for the most part of the day, concerns relating to the fabric should be addressed when the fear of UTI surrounds you. Cotton has been found to be a breathable fabric. It encourages air circulation at the bottom. With this, the possibility of bacteria thriving in the region can be minimized.

2. Maintain Intimate Hygiene

Infection in the urinary tract region can emerge when intimate hygiene is not maintained. Here, properly cleaning yourself and your panties can be essential. While you may well understand how to clean your body and privates, clarity should be attained for cleaning your panties.

UGEES undergarment liquid detergent is specialized in cleaning and disinfecting underwear that prevents urinary tract disease (UTI)

3. Skip Wearing Panties at Night

In the opinion of UGEES, you may avoid wearing panties at night. As said earlier, the clothing item remains on your body for many hours each day. Despite air circulation in the area, complete breathing may not be enabled. Avoiding wearing it while you sleep may neither put you through discomfort nor lead to problems such as UTI.

4. Drink More Fluids

Frequent urination can help you flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. Thus, the chances of the infection occurring can reduce. Therefore, it may be suggested to drink more fluids that are good for your health. Also, try to include a lot of water in your diet.

5. Wiping from the Front to Back

Cleaning your bottom should include the front-to-back approach. This is mainly due to the reason that bacteria can remain around your anus and reach the urethra. The suggested approach can best clean the region, thereby, lessening the chances of bacteria to thrive.

6. Avoid irritating products

Some products may claim to be safe when used in the pubic region. However, in some instances, they may irritate the skin down there. This may also lead to UTI in some cases. Therefore, you should avoid using many different products in the intimate region. These products may include scented sprays and powders as well.

To Summarize it All

When you frequently suffer from UTI, these ways can notably be helpful. On the other hand, when the infection worries you but you have not developed it thus far, these ways can be added to your routine. With these suggestions, your body can remain healthier and such an infection should not take place.

Monday 10 January 2022

5 Embarrassing Underwear Questions Men Don’t Ask but Should Ask

Ugees: Underwear may not be a topic so confidently discussed by each man. Being worn every day, the piece of the garment does assume importance. More crucial than this can be to have answers to the queries relating to it. However, when men may not be comfortable talking over something that may embarrass them, how should the answers be sought?

Questions that you may be wanting to ask and we have been eager to resolve can be found here. Let us now try to clear your uneasiness and make you more knowledgeable about your underwear.

1. I put on my underwear for days?

Going for days wearing the same underwear may seem normal to some men but the truth be told, it isn’t. Brands featuring undergarment care products like UGEES believe that traces of fecal matter form one of the reasons why the garment can be bad when repeatedly worn. Bacteria and a bad smell too can be retained by it. Sooner or later, skin conditions might develop with the same piece worn for days.

2. When should I wash my underwear?

Men may often engage in physical activities. Though the undergarment may not always be directly exposed to dirt, it can still attract sweat. This can further lead to odors. On noticing that your underwear has become dirty and smells pleasing no longer, it is definitely time for a wash.

3. Why does the fabric of the underwear matter?

The fabric of underwear may be an overlooked aspect for some. Even though it may not be as visible as what you wear above it, it can still matter. Ventilation can be crucial down there. Without the fabric being breathable, the process may not happen.

UGEES views cotton underwear to be an unbeatable choice. Breathability is just one of the perks of the fabric. Additionally, it is soft, lightweight, and comfortable.

4. What is making me itch in my privates

When you are often itching your privates, it can be an indication that something with your underwear is not right. Either the fabric may be incorrect or the fit might not be great for you. On top of this, your intimate hygiene can also be the reason.

Now that you know what fabric to invest in, one cause of itching can be removed. Coming to hygiene, men should not only shower regularly but also wear properly washed underwear. Your concerns about the fit can be cleared by knowing the garment’s style that can suit you.

5. What should be the style of underwear for me?

Based on the type of your body and the activities you engage in you can find out the style of underwear you should prefer. With each style, a different fit can be expected.

When you plan to engage in activities that can expose you to heat or produce odor and sweat, you should go for complete coverage. Here, nothing better than boxers can accompany you. This underwear is also a little loose and can yield excellent comfort and aid free movement.

In the opinion of UGEES, when your body needs support and ought to display your best appeal in outfits, briefs can never go wrong. From chinos and slim-fit jeans to formals and tailored pants, the undergarment's higher cut can enhance your look.

Let’s Conclude

Men can have various questions relating to underwear. Putting aside the embarrassing thoughts, answering these can be important. Now that we have supplied you with enough answers, you should be better confident about what and how you put under the garment down there.

Also read: Ugees: How to choose the right underwear style for your outfit

Friday 17 December 2021

How to Take Care of Your Wedding (Lacy) Lingerie ?

Ugees: Wedding lace lingerie can be incomparably beautiful. The unique design can endow you with a sensual appeal. Doubtlessly, such pieces can be made with the finest fabrics and, hence, may cost you a great price. The fabric, shape, and attractiveness of these can be maintained with complete care ensured. So, to look your best on your honeymoon and special occasions, knowing all the big and minute details can be recommended.

Always Hand-wash them

Ugees: Washing your wedding lingerie with your hands is the first way to care for it. Since lacy pieces can be extremely delicate, their strands can be kept strong for as long as you wash them with your hands. By doing so, you can also ensure that not much pressure is applied. Thus, the fabric may not get damaged at all.

Go for Mild Detergents

It may be commonly perceived that strong detergents are the best to clean any garment. On the contrary, one should never forget the fragileness of their pieces that can be hugely damagingly impacted by it. Know that regular detergents consist of bleaches, enzymes, harsh chemicals like sulphate, phthalate which can damage delicate fibers in your lacy lingerie. Therefore, mild detergents or specialized detergents for lingerie should be your best choice.

UGEES- Lingerie detergent

is perfect for washing your lacy lingerie. Specifically created for hand-washing delicates, it can clean and sanitize the lingerie with the slightest of effort. Just pump a few drops on the wet lingerie, gently rub and rinse with warm or cold water. Dry them on a flat towel or rack. That fast and easy!

Skip Bleaching

White can be a fantastic colour selection for wedding lacy lingerie. Do you know some people may bleach the undergarment for removing stains? Surprising as it may seem, bleaching should be completely skipped irrespective of the colour of your lingerie. Bleaching can lead to discoloration while completely damaging the synthetic fibers in your lacy lingerie.

Store them right

Wedding lingerie care can be incomplete without their proper storage. Having a fine-sized drawer to dump the undergarments may not be the right way to keep them. Lacy lingerie should be kept separate from the other garments as they may get entangled leading to fraying or threadbare. A zipped pouch or a separate compartment should be one’s best choice to keeping them safe.

Say No to Ironing

Wedding lingerie with lace can be made using fabrics that may be fragile or delicate. Ironing them can completely burn the fibers deforming them irreparably. Mending can be possible but damaging them in the first place may not be a clever thing to do. Also avoid air dryers as they may also affect unfavorably to fibers normal state.

Bottom Line

Caring for wedding lace lingerie can be advantageous for extending its life, fabric maintenance, and the right shape. The significant steps suggested above and tips in-between can help you do the needful. On numerous special days, you will be able to wear it and elegantly flaunt that lacy piece.

Monday 18 October 2021

The Period Flu

Ugees: Although the word "period flu" isn't a recognized medical term, it accurately describes how some women feel during their period. Flu-like symptoms including headaches, nausea, and even fever is just a few of the complaints that have individuals wondering if they're sick or going insane at this time of the month. The good news is that you're not crazy or alone – anecdotal evidence suggests that period flu exists. There's also the fact that it has nothing to do with the illness. The bad news is that it is still misunderstood and underappreciated in the medical community.

Period flu is not the same as influenza, which is often referred to as the flu. Instead, it's a term used to describe the symptoms that people have right before their menstruation. Period flu symptoms are similar to those of the flu. Many of the symptoms of PMS Trusted Source are also consistent with them.

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of period flu:

•             nausea \dizziness

•             muscular aches unable to concentrate

•             joint discomfort

•             constipation

•             diarrhea \fatigue

•             headaches

•             backache bloating cramps sensitive abdomen

•             Chills or a fever

Period flu symptoms are cyclical, which is one of the most crucial qualities. They usually appear at the same time every month, right before a person's menstruation.

What causes this to happen?

Experts otherwise and at Ugees aren't certain what causes this occurrence, although hormone swings during your menstrual cycle are the most likely cause. Prostaglandins, which are hormone-like fatty acids, are created before your period to assist your uterus in shedding its lining. Excess prostaglandins enter your system, causing a slew of period symptoms like cramps, period feces, and farts — don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Changes in your sex hormones, particularly estrogen, can make you feel tired, as well as create more common period symptoms like cramps, breast tenderness, and mood swings.

Is it possible that I am pregnant?

Feeling nauseous and tired while waiting for your period to arrive could raise red flags, prompting a trip to the drugstore for a pregnancy test. Many of the early symptoms of pregnancy and PMS are similar, such as nausea, bloating, exhaustion, and breast swelling and soreness. There's no link between regular period flu symptoms and pregnancy unless your cycle is late.

Is there anything that I can do to help?

Period flu symptoms might make it difficult to function, but there are a few things you can take to alleviate the symptoms. Certain lifestyle modifications and therapies as suggested by Ugees may also be able to help you avoid or at least lessen future symptoms.

To obtain immediate relief- here are some suggestions for reducing your symptoms:

1.                   Take an OTC (over-the-counter) pain reliever. Muscle aches, cramps, migraines, and breast soreness can all be relieved by over-the-counter anti-inflammatories.

2.                   Make use of a heating pad. A heating pad might help with muscle cramps and aches.

3.                   Try yoga asanas that relieves period cramps like janu sirsasana, upavistha konasana, supta buddha konasana, paschimottanasana.

Keep yourself hydrated

Friday 3 September 2021

We Take Your Hygiene Concerns Personally

We Take Your Hygiene Concerns Personally

Ugees : Personal or intimate hygiene is not a subject we discuss in public. Women are still expected to keep their physiological and sanitary requirements to themselves, even in the twenty-first century. The majority of women are still unaware of their hygiene requirements, making them vulnerable to illnesses such as reproductive or urinary tract infections. Although there has been a significant increase in personal hygiene products

There is one extremely crucial area that is sometimes overlooked: undergarment care. Undergarments is a protective layer that shields us from the discomfort and infections produced by bodily discharges such as urine, feces, menstrual blood, sweat, and so on. As a result, keeping underwear fresh and clean should be a top priority. 

Ugees Is Ready

Ugees is ready to bring the change. We at Ugees have taken your hygiene concerns personally. We analyzed the female hygiene products available in the market and realized there are no lingerie washing detergents. Applying the same detergent as your outerwear damages the fabric of the delicate wear. Neither does it contain antimicrobial traits.

Ugees detergent is made of plant-derived ingredients which take care of the delicate fabric of undergarments, and it contains disinfectants to fight away bacterial infections and skin irritants. If stored as directed its shelf life is about two years. It’s made of 100% eco-friendly material - from processing to packaging.

Take A Closer Look

We've heard time and time again that hand washing is the best way to wash your delicate, but we also recognize that owing to time restrictions, it's not always an easy decision to make. The job is made easier using Ugees liquid detergent. This liquid detergent comes in a pump bottle which is super quick & convenient to use. The beautiful packaging of the product is designed to complement your bathroom accessories, keeping in mind that toiletries

Today have become part of aesthetics. Three simple steps; PUMP-RUB-RINSE and you're good to go. You will get clean, odor-free underwear that has been adequately cleaned. You won't have to waste time soaking and disinfecting the garments separately. All of these advantages make Ugees-undergarment liquid wash the finest alternative for lingerie maintenance. Stay tuned to find out how to get your hands on it.

6 Ways to Prevent UTI

  UTI or a urinary tract infection occur in the urinary system. It can include your bladder, ureters, urethra, and kidneys. The health condi...